Web Access Users Management

To go to User Management, click Users Management on the Web Access navigation menu.

Web Access Navigation Menu Picture

Note: Viewing and modifying Web Access users is allowed only for users with administrator privileges.

The left pane offers a choice of two commands:

Creating New User

To create a new Web Access user, follow these steps:

  1. On the left pane, click Create New User. The New User form appears.

  2. Web Access Create User Picture

  3. Specify the name of the new user, password and password confirmation.

  4. When finished, click OK.

The new user will appear in the list of Web Access users, which can be viewed through the List All Users command.

Note: The current version of Web Access doesn't allow creating users with administrative roles. If you want to create one, you need to edit the file with user accounts and passwords manually. This procedure is described in Configuring Handy Backup Web Access.

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